I am sorry to those of you who visit this site often to see if we have written or posted anything lately to find that we have not. With that out the way…

I was in Worcester, Massachusetts a couple of weekends ago for my wife’s cousin’s wedding. My family and I stayed in a hotel with a restaurant in the lobby. My kids barely sleep when we are traveling, so we are usually up pretty early looking to escape the small confines of a hotel room. We decided to eat breakfast in the hotel lobby. Usually, people who are in a hotel restaurant are business men/women grabbing a quick bite before going off to work. Needless to say, my 4 year old and 19 month old did not provide an environment conducive to a relaxing breakfast. There was a gentleman sitting by himself at the table directly next to ours (there were empty tables everywhere, but the server put us right next to this poor guy).

Towards the end of his breakfast, he leaned over and said to me: “I like your t-shirt. Can I tell you a story?” He went on to tell me a story about a young girl growing up in the projects with a single mother and a number of brothers and sisters. At 13 years old, she became pregnant. Instead of doing like many others in her similar situation, she chose not to murder her child. That was in 1957 and the man telling me story was the child.

I looked down at my t-shirt to see what prompted this story and it was a Rock for Life shirt that has “I SURVIVED” on the front.

– Alan –